Free Ebook Humans of New York Stories

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Now a 1 New York Times Bestseller! In the summer of 2010, photographer Brandon Stanton began an ambitious project -to single-handedly create a photographic census of New York City. The photos he took and the accompanying interviews became the blog Humans of New York. His audience steadily grew from a few hundred followers to, at present count, over eighteen million. In 2013, his book Humans of New York, based on that blog, was published and immediately catapulted to the top of the NY Times Bestseller List where it has appeared for over forty-five weeks. Now, Brandon is back with the Humans of New York book that his loyal followers have been waiting for: Humans of New York: Stories. Ever since Brandon began interviewing people on the streets of New York, the dialogue he's had with them has increasingly become as in-depth, intriguing and moving as the photos themselves. Humans of New York: Stories presents a whole new group of people in stunning photographs, with a rich design and, most importantly, longer stories that delve deeper and surprise with greater candor. Let Brandon Stanton and the Humans of New York he's photographed astonish you all over again. Whats the Longest Humans Can Live? 115 Years New Study The study in Nature suggests that humans will never get older than 115 But critics think we can grow much older This is why these infamous man-eating lions hunted humans An infamous pair of lions gobbled up nearly three dozen people because their teeth were too rotten to tackle anything but soft humans according to a The Human Behind 'Humans of New York' - Mashable The culmination of Stantons efforts is a book set for release on Oct 15 The book simply titled Humans of New York is a compilation of Stantons Syrian refugee stories told by Humans of New York 20 stunning portraits from the 'Humans of New York' photographer's interviews with Syrian refugees New York Citys Graveyard Shift - The New Yorker New York Citys Graveyard Shift The men and women who work while the rest of the city sleeps Humans of New York Humans of New York Series - Elon Musks Plan: Get Humans to - The New York Times SpaceX Elon Musks rocket company released a video simulation of a journey to Mars His plan is for spacecraft that would take 100 passengers to the Humans of New York The latest stories from HONY featuring interviews with thousands of people on the streets of New York City Scientists: Earth Endangered by New Strain of Fact Scientists have discovered a powerful new strain of fact-resistant humans who are threatening the ability of Earth to sustain life Andy Borowitz jokes Humans of New York - Wikipedia Humans of New York (HONY) is a photoblog and book that features street portraits and interviews collected on the streets of New York City Started in November 2010 by
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